Digital Twinning for
a Healthy Lifestyle

Agent for Behavioral Change

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We're here to help you thrive during your Healthspan

The demands of the modern workplace are intense. 90% of individuals wish to improve their health. Monitoring and motivating healthy habits make a huge difference.

Aspire Healthspan is a company that develops frameworks for digital twinning for healthcare. Our solutions will acquire data in real-time from humans wearing smartwatches and will use that data to simulate and model their corresponding digital twin for continued motivation and inspiration.

Monitor Your Hypertension Daily

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Our Tech

Advanced Wearables
Digital Twinning
Behavioral Modification


Take Control of Your Healthspan

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CoFounders and Management

Dr. Frank Papay
Co-Founder and Strategic Advisor
  • Professor and Chair, Dermatology and Plastic Surgery Institute-Centennial Sones Innovator-Cleveland Clinic
  • WebMD Health Hero Award
  • Co-Founder Brain-X
  • Co-Founder Unify Medical
  • Co-Founder XII Medical
Dr. Randy Bambrough
CoFounder, COO and CFO
  • Serial CFO in Silicon Valley Companies
  • 3 IPO Launches
  • 5 Successful Exits
  • Company Growth and Scaling Expertise
  • Past Pres. Silicon Valley Financial Executives International
  • DBA, Case Western Reserve University
Dr. Gene Pierce
Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer
  • 30 years of System Engineering
  • Federal Lab Research & Engineering in Digital Twin, Machine Learning and AI Experience applied to Extensive DoD applications
  • WebMD Health Hero Award
  • 4 Startup Ventures
  • DBA, Case Western Reserve University

Our Clinical Team

Dr. Sri Madabushi
Chief Technology Advisor
  • Former Google Health Managing Director & Business Head
  • Seasoned executive with a track record of driving growth in digital health
  • PhD Structural & Computational Biology
  • Track record of driving growth in digital health and life sciences.
Dr. Luke Laffin
Chief Medical Officer
  • Preventive Cardiologist at Cleveland Clinic
  • Co-Director of Ctr. for Blood Pressure Disorders
  • Medical Director of Cardiac Rehabilitation
  • Specialist in Clinical Hypertension
  • Medical degree from Vanderbilt University
Dr. Lori Stevic-Rust
Chief Clinical Psychologist
  • Ph.D. ABPP, Board-certified clinical health psychologist
  • Expert on cognitive behavioral strategies in the management of chronic illness
  • International dementia care consultant
  • Board certified clinical health Psychologist, Media Consultant, Author

Explore Career Opportunities at Aspire HealthSpan.

Clinical (Remote)

  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Cardiologist

Data Intelligence and Business Applications (Remote)

  • Cloud Data Integration Engineer
  • Senior Application Developer (iOS & Android)
  • Artificial intelligence & machine Learning Programmer

Investor Relations

Corporate Overview

Aspire Healthspan is committed to helping people manage their health and well-being through digital twinning. Your personalized digital twin will help inform and motivate you to make healthy decisions to achieve a longer HealthSpan. They empower people to optimize their health choices through behavioral modification, personal health data, and advanced artificial intelligence.

Featured Presentations

  • Aspire HealthSpan Overview - (Coming Soon)
  • Managing Hypertension in a Digital World! - (Coming Soon)
  • What is a “Nudge”? … Good Choices through Behavioral Modification - (Coming Soon)
  • Your Best Friend? … Your Digital Twin, of course! - (Coming Soon)

Investor Relations Contact

Dr. Randy Bambrough, COO



We’re here to help extend your Healthspan.